Saturday, November 17, 2012

Who is Who's

I dont believe we have official stated it on here, but Maddox is his father's son and Colton is his mother's son.  That is when it comes to sleeping!

Maddox is UP AND AT EM!  crack of dawn or before, lets get moving!

Colton is sleepy sleepy roll over leave me alone!  Until you convince him of something fun to do.

If you are Elissa and want to sleep in but Shaun goes hunting early in the morning, you hope and pray Maddox sleeps in.  Sorry bug!

Today is the first day of shotgun season.  I wonder if I will ever be able to drag Colton out of bed to go with me?  Maddox would go right now I am sure.


  1. Today was the opposite! Colton was up before 7 and Maddox slept until 8:30!!! I even went in and WOKE HIM UP! Maybe Colton is practicing for future hunting seasons?! Shaun AND Grampa had a successful morning, but I'll let Shaun post about that! :)

  2. It was a great morning for hunting, a GREAT weekend really. Mostly time spent with Grampa (Dad) and Uncle Evan is the best! I ended up getting two big Doe. Meet in the freezer baby

    We saw lots of deer including 15+ and a smaller 8 point buck. Waiting for the big one to come around.
