Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Maddox talking

Maddox is saying a lot of words these says and getting better all the time.  Sometimes though he gets ahead of himself.  Ha ha he starts talking full sentences and you catch the first few words then its babble for however long he needs to tell you something, then you catch a Colkin or a few words at the end.  Too cute.  He knows what he's saying that is for sure!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Dad? Yes Colton?  Where are the antlers on these buckys?  HA HA  Oh Buddy these are Doe, girl deer and that means that they are not Buckys and they do not have antlers!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Who is Who's

I dont believe we have official stated it on here, but Maddox is his father's son and Colton is his mother's son.  That is when it comes to sleeping!

Maddox is UP AND AT EM!  crack of dawn or before, lets get moving!

Colton is sleepy sleepy roll over leave me alone!  Until you convince him of something fun to do.

If you are Elissa and want to sleep in but Shaun goes hunting early in the morning, you hope and pray Maddox sleeps in.  Sorry bug!

Today is the first day of shotgun season.  I wonder if I will ever be able to drag Colton out of bed to go with me?  Maddox would go right now I am sure.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sunday, October 28, 2012

After sass talking...

Shaun to Colton: do you know who doesn't like that?  Me and Santa Claus and Jesus.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Can't find my phone

Colton is in bed sleeping away, or so we think!  Elissa and I are watching TV in the living room and Sisi writes to Elissa on facebook...  "Colton has your phone in bed, I just talked with him!"

ha ha ha

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Remember when Colton used to yell AMEN?!  So cute.  Well now he has turned to saying the best prayers at dinner.   Its like god is talking right through him.  And Colton is passing the torch apparently ...  Maddox is starting to yell AMEN!

Thank you God for these wonderful children!


Colton has taken to leading the prayers at dinner time.  First we sing the song from GG Woolstons: Thank you thank you, Lord we pray.  For the things we have this day.
Then Colton closes his eyes and says things like this:
I hope you have a good day, God.  Koats [his imaginary friend] is up there to help you out and talk to Jesus for you, so don't worry.  He will help you out.  With liberty and justice for all.  Three cheers for the red, white and blue.  Cheer!  Cheer!  Cheer!  AMEN!

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Colton:  why do they call it Rush's?
Mimi:  it's Miss Elizabeth's last name.
Colton:  Elizabeth Rush's... Sounds like she's in hurry!!


Colton:  mom, I love jordan so much that sometimes I cry.


Colton:  Mom, why do you sleep?
Mom:  when you sleep, you grow.
Colton:  aren't you done growing?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

No cavities!

Colton picked rootbeer flavored toothpaste at the dentist with Miss Kelly.  No cavities!  First visit with dental insurance thanks to Shaun's job!

King of the mountain!

Colton on top of the dirt pile from the driveway project!  Shaun used part of the pile as a base for his woodshed... Yet another project for busy busy daddy!

Driveway project phase one

The boys watching the Bobcat dig out for the new driveway.  Check out Mr. No Pants in photo two!  Blacktop coming soon!!

Playground visit

Bates Road playground is awesome!  Too bad Colton won't be going to school there!  Gymnastics on the Olympics led to the first picture. 


Colton loves building forts & Maddox "the hurricane" loves playing AND smashing them down.  :)

Springdale Farms

We visited Springdale Farms, fed the goats, had a picnic with Mimi & Papa and played on the playground!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bad dream

Colton woke up from an out of the ordinary nap at 7:15pm and was having a bad dream.

I asked what happened? 

He said i was sick and someone was giving me medicine i did not like.

I asked why not?

Because that medicine has rainbow barf in it!!!!

Ha ha ha

Monday, August 6, 2012

Back in the saddle...

Nonna helping Colton get over his fear of tubing/waterskiing after his fall in.  "if you're going slow, i'll tell you to go slower."  He is not really a fan again yet.  Still some tears, but getting better!!

Selling some property

We are selling 1 acre from across the road!  Shaun cleared part of it out & discovered a lot of blackberries!


We picked around 8 quarts of blackberries.  Most made their way into jam!  The freezer is full!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cooler baby

"I paid $100 and $50 for a cooler baby than Maddox who wears green all the time and he lives in my tummy with 100 more babies."  - Colton

Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday at the Fair

Of course we spent a lot of time on the tractors, but the boys had a great time seeing the animals too.  Colton especially liked, "the Kabotas, the Fords, and the pig show."  Maddox mooed a lot at the cows.  :)

Deck play

The boys love riding trikes on the deck!  They take little dips in their kiddie pool if they get too hot!

The sun rises and sets...

On Jordan Lasky.  She and her husband, Kevin, came to the fair with us!  They played shadow tag, goofed around & rode the train!  Colton even went on the high crazy slide to show off!

The Fair with Tim & Will

Lots of fun was had at the fair!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Swimming Lessons

Colton & Maddox have been taking swimming lessons.  Maddox goes in the pool with Mommy from 10-10:30, then Colton goes in from 10:30-11 with a group of 3 & 4 year olds.  Colton waits patiently during Maddox's lesson time, and plays his Leapster game or Mommy's phone.  Here are a couple pics from Colton the photographer.  1.  The drain by the bleachers.  2.  Mommy & Maddox in the pool.  3.  Brett is his favorite Lifeguard.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Mimi mobile

Wee hoo the mimi mobile is a big hit!  Quite an adventure around the lakehouse!

I actually knocked Colton off the back of the golf cart because i hit the accelerator fast.  Boy do i feel bad about that.  He flipped off poor guy.

I also attached a picture of the uncle Bruce and the yellow buggy!  We retired the yellow buggy!

Swimming buddies / captive

A fun time on the boat with Gailies!  Colton and loraeli went swimming (check out their goggles) and we had pizza for dinner.

After dinner Elissa realized something unbelievable... 

Loraeli was convinced or agree too go into the woodchuck! Ha ha ha

Learning to play golf

Colton is learning to play golf a bit.  He likes it a lot!  Maddox on the other hand might grow to hate it!  See attached picture from golf club hit head incident.

It was an accident Colton got his little brother good.

Maddox was barely bothered by the whole thing.  The ER was interesting between the naked drunk guy five hour wait.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Colton will be attending PreK in the fall during the morning session!!  He is reluctant to leave Mr Phil & Mrs McKenna's, but he is excited for the playground!!  We are still working up excitement for the bus!


The boys have been lucky enough to have two nice nannies these past couple of months.  Both girls live crafts and playing outside too!  We just started the hunt for a nanny for next school year too!!  Fingers crossed we find a Mary Poppins!

Maddox update

Current words: up, dada, mama, no, yea, dog, thank you, all done, woof, moo, meow, tractor, vroom.

Current hobbies: bubble blowing in the tub, sliding at the playground, running towards the road, scribbling on paper, climbing up to the back of the couch/arms of chairs.

Favorite foods:  strawberries, pears, blueberries, shells & cheese, cereal, yogurt, toast, dessert.

He is getting blonder everyday & LOVES being outside.  He has almost 4 molars all the way in, and loves waking his brother up in the morning by crawling into his bed!


A little baby at church was baptized on Sunday.  Today on the deck Colton was chasing Maddox around with a washcloth with cold water on it from the little pool.  I asked him to stop, but he said he couldn't because he had to bath-tize him.  Then he bath-tized Tres & Rev too!!  :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Moo book & animal sounds

Maddox lives "reading" his Moo book from Bingo.

Maddox, what does a dinosaur say?
What does a doggie say?
What does a car say?

Super cute!!  :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sneaky like mom

Colton got up while Maddox & I were getting ready, came into the kitchen, moved a chair, got a treat, put the chair back, hid in the dog room by the desk & printers and ate Oreos.  I asked him what he was doing, he hid the cookies in the file cabinet, came out with crumbs all over his face & he told me:  I am not hungry.  I had some peanut butter & jelly forunch already. 

Nice try, kid.  To time out for not telling the truth.  Oh, Oreos!! 

Friday, April 6, 2012

Colton's Waddle - Maddox's wooden spoon

Colton was outside by himself, for too long apparently...  He came waddling up the deck with his pants around his ankles!  I started laughing immediately.  I opened the door and asked what was going on.  He said he had to go pee pee again.  Then he tried to sneak into the bathroom past us and he had done more than just pee pee! ha ha ha.

We asked what happened, he had to go pee pee but then he couldnt hold it and he wanted to be like Tres and Rev and go poo poo outside!  HA HA HA  We figured he went out front for sure for all passers by to see!

So then Colton makes it to the toilet, gets done and it bent over waiting for momma to come with wipes.  Maddox had a wooden spoon from the utensil drawer and proceeds to hits colton hard in the side of the head!  OH MY WORD!  I could hear it in the other room.  Colton was good, didnt return fire.  Maddox went to his first solo time out in tears.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Colton's Sleepover

Guest poster = Mimi!
Colton planned a sleepover for EVERYONE!  He told me (Mimi) all about it on the way to nursery school.  When I asked where everyone would sleep, he had it all figured out.  Some would camp out in his bed, while others would bunk on the couches.  When I picked him up from nursery school, he had also invited Mrs. McKenna and Mr. Phil to join in the fun.  During the afternoon he worked on cutting up pieces of paper and "making a game" for all to play.  He also cracked nuts with papa to serve as a snack!  He just forgot one thing......asking Mama and Daddy if there could be a PARTY.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chicks @ tractor supply

Colton tell nonna about the new tractor supply.  Oh wow its nice and they had baby chicks there.  Nonna said, "yea they can bite."  Daddy said, "oh wow i didnt know that."  "Yes," says Colton "they peck you!" Then he pounded his hand three times fast!  Ha ha ha. They Colton says, "they have peckers and they peck you right up!"

Ha ha ha

The adults in the room couldnt help but laugh

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Lake House!!!

Mimi & Papa opened the lake house yesterday with the help of Daddy and Mr. Bower.  It's ready for business now!!!  The sandbox is out and the John Deere is ready to ride too!  Papa even put the minnow catcher in the water!  Weee hoooo - 70 degrees this week!  It feels like summer already!

Sneaking Out.

Colton said:  the little balls in here are where my tooties hide until they sneak out my bummer.


The Smith's like to SCOOT!

We are having lots of fun SCOOTING around here.

Elissa got a scooter and today was her first scooter ride to school.  She went down Bates Road, Swett Road, Alps and into school for less traffic and a scenic ride!

Also, Colton loves SCOOTING too.  "GO Dad, SCOOT through that mud!"  We have been getting wood at the airport and have to 4 wheel it through the mud once in a while.  "I Love SCOOTIN in the mud dad."  "We just went and brummed it up and scoot scoot through that mud!"

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Sunny March morning going to be 70

rather nice weather for this time of year....

Colton opens the cupboard and says,  "It's a gorgeous day for a BEAUTIFUL SNACK!"

ha ha ha

Friday, March 16, 2012

Maddox and momma

Thought this was a cute picture.   Very warm winter and even warmer spring!  Its like we're skipping spring.   March 14th it was 70 out and high sixties for a while!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Good buddies

Awwwww.  How cute is this! They went down the slide together and laughed!

Big helper!

Cute boy with daddy's gloves on ready to help out!  We had fun this day!