Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Maddox didn't want to sit and watch Colton's game until Sawyer came over and sat with him.

Playground fun for Maddox when Colton wasn't up to bat or on base.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Teeth twins

Front teeth twins!


Every year when these come up, I'm reminded of my dear Grandma Gee.

Frog hunters

Colton has a friend over.  Frog catching won over Minecraft!  :) 

Spencers wedding

May 10th we went to Spencer and Jens wedding in Charlotte NC. A fun get away for sure! Stayed Marriott City center downtown across from The Kings Kitchen where Steve Young works! A great meal and a great cause. Rented a Dodge charger and drove to the US National Whitewater center, the mall, chik fil a, and around the city. Lots to see and do within walking distance.

Very nice ceremony and super fun reception! Lots of dancing! Great best men speech by Kyle and Tyler.

My new bike!

Mimi and papa got me a new bike to ride at the lake house!

Thomas with Garrett

We went to see and ride on Thomas for Garretts birthday! Hooray!

Fun with Tim and Will!

All kinds of fun was had in a short few hours! Hide and seek tag, Army men, western movies, car crashes, super putty toss, super putty around your head, Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft! And of course wrestling! No one has ever seen better moves than John Will Sunderlin Cena!!  Coltons second front tooth was previously loose and it got hit and started bleeding every where.  Tim picked up Maddox and carried him in like a nice big buddy!!!

We can't wait until they are back to visit Grandma Joanie this Summer!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Frog hunting

Another season of frog hunting has begun.  We took down the fence around the pond today... let the catching commence!


Dad, where are the Clippers to take down the fence? I promise I'll never do anything bad again!

Ha ha ha! I was dying

I asked for that in writing and signed.   Will hold him to it.

He wants the pond fence down.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014