Saturday, April 30, 2011

Buffalo Zoo

saw lots of animal...
big horn sheep
sea lion
monkeys were coltons favorite because it was swinging from the cage.
snow leopard

Colton saw several little jungle frogs and when he would see the green and black frogs he kept saying, "Green and black mean POISON!"  too cute.

took a picture on the same turtle elissa did thirty years ago.  stopped at amber and joes and colton thinks they are still having a boy named pumps.  maddox laughed and laughed at remi!!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter!  There was a big egg hunt in the morning as the Easter Bunny came.  We found all the eggs and the baskets in the workshop.  We also went to church, saw the "new" lakehouse, went to Grampa and Nonna's for Easter Dinner and another egg hunt!  Colton was running with tongue out beating everyone to find eggs.  Today I heard...

May i have a grona bar?
I want clean ham! (meaning hamloaf without mustard sauce)
This is my pet worm, Trip

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm Feeding Baby Maddox

Momma and I look at each other and recognize the "I'm getting tortured" screams coming from Maddox and we start running.  By the time we make it into the living room, Colton has withdrawn his attack on his brother.  We ask him what is going on?  What did you do to Maddox?  He says, "I was feeding him!" Mommy asks Colton, "Can you show me how you were feeding him?"

Colton immediately pulls up his shirt, leans in, and tries to feed Baby Maddox.  He says, "I'm giving him water," leaning with his right side, "and apple juice," leaning with his left side.


You're a MEAN-iac

Colton today said - Daddy you're a mean-iac.  You took my perogie!

Then he said "I lost my manners."

He also got his first clipper cut at Barber Fran's new shop on 31.  He and his Daddy got matching haircuts. If you ask them where they got it cut they will both say - "on my head!"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The good and the bad!

Today as Mimi was getting ready to bring Colton home from a sleepover, Mr. Colton was not quite ready to come home.  So Colton told Mimi, "Mimi, I'm not ready to go home, you're wrecking my day!"

Later we watched Rescuers Down Under, which by the way John Candy does the voice of the Albatross, Colton says, "This movie is spectacular!"

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Update on Maddox

Maddox, aka Gooey, is almost 5 months old.  He loves rolling back to front, laughing at his big brother, jumping in his jumparoo, and smiling at girls.  He is wearing 3-6 month clothes and weights 15 pounds.  He is trying to get his first two teeth in on the bottom in the middle.  He is all kinds of adorable.  :)

Growing Up!

Shaun had the idea that we should start a blog as a family to have a place to post all of the funny things Colton says...  As Maddox grows I'm sure he'll add to the collection.  :)