Friday, May 25, 2012


Colton will be attending PreK in the fall during the morning session!!  He is reluctant to leave Mr Phil & Mrs McKenna's, but he is excited for the playground!!  We are still working up excitement for the bus!


The boys have been lucky enough to have two nice nannies these past couple of months.  Both girls live crafts and playing outside too!  We just started the hunt for a nanny for next school year too!!  Fingers crossed we find a Mary Poppins!

Maddox update

Current words: up, dada, mama, no, yea, dog, thank you, all done, woof, moo, meow, tractor, vroom.

Current hobbies: bubble blowing in the tub, sliding at the playground, running towards the road, scribbling on paper, climbing up to the back of the couch/arms of chairs.

Favorite foods:  strawberries, pears, blueberries, shells & cheese, cereal, yogurt, toast, dessert.

He is getting blonder everyday & LOVES being outside.  He has almost 4 molars all the way in, and loves waking his brother up in the morning by crawling into his bed!


A little baby at church was baptized on Sunday.  Today on the deck Colton was chasing Maddox around with a washcloth with cold water on it from the little pool.  I asked him to stop, but he said he couldn't because he had to bath-tize him.  Then he bath-tized Tres & Rev too!!  :)