Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Remember when Colton used to yell AMEN?!  So cute.  Well now he has turned to saying the best prayers at dinner.   Its like god is talking right through him.  And Colton is passing the torch apparently ...  Maddox is starting to yell AMEN!

Thank you God for these wonderful children!


Colton has taken to leading the prayers at dinner time.  First we sing the song from GG Woolstons: Thank you thank you, Lord we pray.  For the things we have this day.
Then Colton closes his eyes and says things like this:
I hope you have a good day, God.  Koats [his imaginary friend] is up there to help you out and talk to Jesus for you, so don't worry.  He will help you out.  With liberty and justice for all.  Three cheers for the red, white and blue.  Cheer!  Cheer!  Cheer!  AMEN!